IRS Now Taking Phone Calls

IRS Now Taking Phone Calls for Economic Impact Payment Questions

The Internal Revenue Service will be taking customer service calls answering Economic Impact Payment (EIP) questions. Monday the IRS started adding 3,500 telephone operators whose job entails helping to answer some of the most common questions we have about EIP.

If you have received your Economic Impact Payment follow up letter, Notice 1444, you can call the number listed on the document for an automated message. The automated message will provide answers for some of your most common Economic Impact Payment questions. If your questions are still not answered by the automated message, you will have the opportunity at the conclusion of the message to speak with a telephone representative.

The IRS is still encouraging us to visit the website for answers to most of our common EIP questions though. Their telephone assistance and other services will remain limited. As a reminder, they are only adding 3,500 operators, but have already out hundreds of thousands of checks nationwide. So, you can imagine the possible wait times to speak with a representative.

The IRS does anticipate bringing back additional assistors as state and local advisories permit, but until that time, the website is more than likely the best source of up to date information. Although at times it seemed the Internal Revenue Service website was irresponsive to the public need, the IRS states that it does regularly post new and updated answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Economic Impact Payments.

You are also encouraged to check the Get My Payment Tool regularly for the status of your Economic Impact Payment. The information is updated as the IRS continues to process the remaining payments for delivery. If you are eligible for an EIP but are not required to file a tax return, the IRS reminds you that the Non-Filers Tool is still available to register for a payment. The Non-Filers Tool is offered in English or Spanish.